STR8UP Mentoring Foundation is dedicated to supporting at-risk urban youth on their journey to success. Founded on the belief that every young person deserves guidance and support, we provide a range of programs and initiatives aimed at empowering youth and building brighter futures.

Contact Information

  • Phone: (317) 614-5560
  • Email:
  • Address: 2260 E. 38th Street
    Indianapolis Indiana. 46

Get Involved

Interested in becoming a mentor, volunteering your time, or making a donation? Visit our “Get Involved” page for more information on how you can support our mission.

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About STR8UP Mentoring Foundation

STR8UP Mentoring Foundation is dedicated to supporting at-risk urban youth on their journey to success. Founded on the belief that every young person deserves guidance and support, we provide a range of programs and initiatives aimed at empowering youth and building brighter futures.

Our Mission

Our mission is to meet at-risk urban youth exactly where they are in their journey, offering educational partnerships, intramural sports, and character/team building outreach events. We believe that positive community mentors and early intervention are key in helping guide a path to success for at-risk youth.

Our Programs

At STR8UP, we offer a variety of programs designed to engage, educate, and inspire. From educational partnerships that support students from kindergarten through young adulthood to intramural sports that encourage teamwork and healthy competition, our programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of our youth


Our Community

STR8UP started within Arlington High School and has since expanded to partner with numerous elementary, middle, and high schools in the Indianapolis area, including Washington High School and Ben Davis High School. Our mentors are vested in the community and believe in real talk, owning your choices, doing your personal best, and working towards a bright future.

Our Impact

Since our inception, STR8UP has made a significant impact on the lives of at-risk youth in the Indianapolis area. Our spring and fall camps provide daylong retreats where youth can enjoy team-building, inspirational conversations, and outdoor fun. Many of these youth have never experienced anything like this before, and we’re proud to offer them new possibilities for their future.

Join Us

We invite you to join us in our mission to empower at-risk youth and build stronger communities. Whether you’re interested in becoming a mentor, volunteering your time, or making a donation, your support can make a difference in the lives of young people.